

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”



“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Israel Collective films

Share truth. Share hope.




"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" | Psalm 122:6


"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" | Psalm 122:6



We Believe

We Believe


The more we learn about God’s love for Israel, the more we learn about His unchanging love for all of humanity.

The simple reasons for our support for Israel might surprise you!

We believe biblical support for Israel is something Christians from every tradition can agree on.

To support Israel simply means to believe that the people of Israel, just like all others, have a right to live in peace and security.

You may be thinking, of course that is true. But why focus on Israel? The answer is simple: Many believe the people of Israel do not have this right. This is a hatred that goes back thousands of years, and only changes form with new generations. It can take the form of a mild prejudice or tolerance for mistreatment of Jewish people, but it never ends there.

While antisemitic hatred reached a horrific level under the regime of Adolf Hitler, it unfortunately did not pass away with Hitler’s defeat. Today, antisemitic attacks are at record levels. This includes ideologically motivated attacks on Israel, and Jewish people around the world, including here in the USA.

We believe that as followers of Jesus, we can make a difference, showing a way forward that is loving and supportive to Israel and indeed all people groups. That is what our program is designed to do.

There is great diversity of thought on many theological, political, and eschatological issues. Wherever you land on those, you will still find a home in the Israel Collective. Our support for Israel is simply based on the values of God’s love, and His call to give to those in need, that underpin our Christian faith.

Genesis chapter 1 teaches us that every human life is created in the image of God. Because of this, we learn that all are equal, and that we are all equally loved by God. John 3:16 reinforces this idea to its fullest!

In the 1930’s, many Christians turned a blind eye to the persecution of Jews because they were taught an unbiblical view that Jewish people were lesser than Christians in God’s eyes. This is contrary to scripture. For example, in Paul’s letter to Christians in Rome, he passionately describes God’s continuing love for the Jewish people.

Paul opens chapter 11 with this: “I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew.”

It is this same unrelenting, unconditional love of God that we benefit from today, and must model for others. Many Christians in Europe during the 1930’s did understand this, and acted in defense of their Jewish neighbors and friends. It is this tradition we aim to be a part of.

Finally, Proverbs 31:8-9 teaches us, “Speak for those who cannot speak; seek justice for all those on the verge of destruction. Speak up, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and oppressed.”

The people of Israel live, but sadly so does hatred against them. Israel and the Jewish people continue to be attacked, by terror organizations who seek their physical destruction, and in the media and parts of the education system where age-old antisemitic stereotypes persist. This perpetuates tolerance for the discrimination of Jewish people and even tolerance for violence against them.  

The people of Israel and our local Jewish communities in America, seeing all of this, often feel alone and outnumbered. The Israel Collective is here to show the people of Israel they have friends in the Christian community and that they are loved. 

We are so excited to invite you to leave your mark on Israel’s story with us as we empower Christian leaders to educate their communities on Christian connections to the Holy Land and tell the stories of the beautiful people who live there.